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Israel: Two times Tel Aviv derby in one week!
Israel: Two times Tel Aviv derby in one week!
Two times during the past week Hapoel and Maccabi played against each others. First time Hapoel played home, second time Maccabi played home.
First match (17.03.2014):
Last training of Hapoel
Small fight before the match outside the stadium (20 vs 20). Few arrests.
(Club founded in 1906)
Banner: "We'll lift a flag, you'll bring us legs - Hapoel fight for the symbol."
Ultras Hapoel made a banner mocking Maccabi's friendship with vak410 (Ajax).
2 fans got arrested for making this banner.
Second match (23.03.2014
Maccabi fans on last training.
Police managed to avoid any fights before and after the derby match. Few arrested fans again.
Banner: "From Salame st. to Yarkon Lake, from the sea promenade to the main road". These are 4 borders for Tel Aviv, it's a line from one Maccabi song: "Every spot in this city belongs to me".
"My city"
Banner: "Hapoel after you, like a blind guy in the happy and sad moments".
Hapoel with contra message to Maccabi's tifo (they knew about their plans):
"'From Salame to the Yarkon River- You've got beaten everywhere"
Maccabi displayed a banner during the match, mocking the political views of Hapoel.
They mean Hapoel pretend to be Antifa but meanwhile making "seig heils", calling Maccabi Nazis etc.
Banner: "Ultra-supercalifragilisticexpialidocious".
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